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Aug. 19, 2024

Ep.288: Solo Synchronized Swimming

Ep.288: Solo Synchronized Swimming

You are probably asking yourself right now, “solo synchronized swimming…Isn’t that an oxymoron?” And while you would be correct, it didn’t stop it from being a honest-to-god true Olympic sport in not one, but three, Olympic Games: 1984, 1988, 1992. We guess that by 1992 a dictionary or thesaurus ended up at the IOC headquarters and they quietly got rid of it. All of which leads Jon and Kurt to have fur this episode sharing absolute true stranger than fiction legitimate crazy (getting the idea) Olympic sports. Like chorus singing (1912-1948), live pigeon shooting (1900), hot air ballooning (1900), etc. Nothing needs to be embellished here…the authenticity of these events generates the humor. Take a listen and be amazed at what humans can come up with to compete for medals. Olympic bobbing for apples anyone?