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Feb. 3, 2025

Ep.262: Tech Chicken Littles

Ep.262: Tech Chicken Littles

Throughout history, dating as far back as humankind can go, there is an indomitable spirit in people that drives innovation and invention…to make our lives easier and more efficient. This manifested in a way that we kept creating new “technologies” from the umbrella to the printing press to electricity to the automobile to the internet, well you get the idea. And as great as we can say these have made our lives, when they first started there were many nay-sayers. Many who predicted their demise or calamities that would befall users of said technology. Jon and Kurt dive into a few of the most notable of these and share things like the chairman of IBM saying in 1943, “I think there is a world market for maybe five computers.” Don’t be afraid, take a listen.